I am keeping up my promise of enlightening you guys with informative posts . This week its about a phenomenon called 'Vaal' and how pheno'menon' encountered its massive effect yesterday .
Vaal is the process of ejection(not ejaculation) of unnecessary alcohol in the body , mixed with snacks , water , pepsi and any other eatable substance taken before/after alcohol consumption .
Vaal is only found in malayalees , especially males . The same phenomenon is called as 'Vaandhi' in tamil nadu . When a person encounters vaal, that process is called as 'Vaalu vekkal'
I was getting a bit worried of not 'vaalu vekkal' for a long time.Actually i dont remember the last time i did it . But yesterday , it all came back , with all its fury , not just once , but thrice .
It was acmama's birthday yesterday .I came back after my night shift and went straight to TASMAC and bought 2250 ml of Oak Vat rum , 1950 ml of Vorion 6000 beer and 540 ml of Romanov vodka .I was the only person in charge to finish Romanov vodka .(I prefer Brandy + water ,but i just wanted to try something different)
Everyone arrived on time , and we started our pooja at about 11 AM .
It was about 6.00 PM , when i felt something rolling upwards from my abdomen . It was slow and steady , but it was definitely on its way out . I knew he was coming !
I am proud to say that with more than half litre of alcohol inside , i managed to move to the bathroom and position perfectly in front of the washbasin .Then , i told to myself .,"Yes , the long wait is over ,my kidneys are still in place , welcome back vaal"