Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Im in Chennai !

Yea , thats correct . I moved to chennai last week .

Why ? How ? When ? What ? Damn ! WTF ! IGAF (i give a fuck) .. , Now , what ever your feelings may be , the fact of the matter is that i got a better job here and hence i moved . Certain other factors like , having a lot of friends and script writing aspirations etc , helped me to make my decision easy .

I seriously miss my friends there in cochin . My roommate musicdirector , thulu, the romatic couple , the funny couple , my colleagues , my fuck all owner , the alcohol (it sucks here) , the chiks (mallus are the hottest , you know that!) ,girlfriends (OK , thats a lie , i am happy that i lost contact ) ., the rains (some kids i met here do not understand what that is ) ., the beef and porotta , the kallu shop and everything . But , then , i know that things need to change in life some day or the other .

And now , speaking about chennai , i arrived here on wednesday (hey , my company paid for my air ticket ! , isnt that cool ? ! ) and almost immediately started sweating ,. and till this moment, sitting in an airconditioned cyber cafe , it has not stopped . Now thats chennai for you !

I am happy about my stay here ., good independent big house , where me , cuckoo , panchvipaas and D lives . Though these are the regular members , we have more people in our place almost everyday . Our home is a true 24 X 7 station , as there are people awake all the time .

There are loads of things that i want to write about , but i cant find much time these days . I hope to get the internet connection and stuff ready by next month . , So till then ., regular updations will be difficult . (But hey , i cant stop writing , and this is the only place i write these days , so i will be here sooner or later ) ..

And to all those who were awaiting honey moon trip part two , sorry for the delay , i was busy with the shifting and stuff , will get it done soon !

And to all chennai'tes ,
I agree that i cant pronounce O properly , but remember that its ZERO and not GERO !