Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Im Very Busy !

Yes , Im very busy these days and 'Im lovin it' .

Lot of things happened in between ,headlines are as follows-

'I DID IT' - After a wait of 24 long years

I recieved a lot of applications to join Sree Purusha Blogger Sena . If at all i had thought about this a bit earlier , SPBS could have had a seat in the parliment this time .

I have plans of making a short

My job is under a lot of pressure

Couple of my friends who recently became followers of this stupid blog , has asked me to write about them . Achayan and others , dont worry , i will write about you .

I even have a couple of posts ready to publish , but i feel this is not the right time . I will be back full fledged soon , c ya then .



Anonymous said...

what happened to the webpage you and your friends are planning to start?

Pheno'Menon' said...

Chriz ,

Its still in progress . The problem is that we are all engineers and recession is affecting all of us very badly . So we are just waiting to find enough time ,and we do not want to hurry on to anything .

Will keep you updates on the progress for sure